
Approximate Age:
23 years, 6 months
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Hi… my name is Dinah.

I was adopted by my friends at TALGV. I am the official Cat Care Mascot.

My two feline friends, Luella, Bobby Cat, and I had to come to TALGV to find new homes because our mom had developed such severe allergies that she could hardly breathe. Our little home was busy as can be with four kids (ranging in age from 7 to 9 months!) and two dogs, so you can be certain that we are adaptable, gentle and tolerant cats. I’m a beautiful, chubby, declawed, longhaired calico lady and my mom said, “Dinah is very laid back, sweet and loving, and she will purr whenever you pet her.” The only “problem” behavior that she cited was that I got on the furniture, but to my mind, that’s really where I should be — right there next to (or on!) you. Because of my age, I qualify for TALGV’s Vet Care for Life program, so there’s no reason you shouldn’t make me your own right now!