
Approximate Age:
13 years, 10 months


Hi… my name is Opie,

Adopted 7-9-17

When the temperatures reach 115, as W. C. Fields said, “It ain’t a fit night out for man or beast!” When I was found on Helmet Peak Road, I was covered with cactus stickers and my paws were so burned that I could barely walk. Thankfully, as the days go by the balm they’re putting on them is helping me heal, and my handsome orange fur is finally picker-free, so now I’m checking out the visitors to see if I can convince one of them to help me make the memories of that ordeal disappear forever. I’m just as typically sweet and outgoing as most orange tabbies, so I’m hopeful that it won’t take long for that special person to come along!

Arrived 6-21-17