
Approximate Age:
12 years, 6 months


Hi… my name is Spitfire,

Adopted 6-10-18

I was named Spitfire when I arrived as a kitten way back in 2012 because I was really feisty and swatted at humans—a lot! That’s because I lived in a feral cat colony before one of the employees rescued me. But during my five years here, the kind volunteers have been patient with me and I’ve become a new cat. I LOVE to be petted, even asking for it with a beseeching meow (I’m a real talker!), and then I’ll purr like crazy once you get the message! I’m still anxious around new people and will sometimes run from them, but I know that a loving home with patient companions will help me learn to trust and, who knows, I might even become a lap cat! Won’t you PLEASE give me a chance?

Arrived October 19, 2012