
Approximate Age:
22 years, 6 months
Special Needs:
Available for adoption with Delilah

Sweet Pea

Hi… my name is Sweet Pea,

Adopted with Delilah 9-2-21

Comes with Vet Care Support for Life

My sister, Delilah, and I can’t complain that we didn’t have our mom long enough, as we lived with her for 19 years until she passed away recently. We know that adopting “old ladies” our age might turn many people off, but think of the comfort and happiness you’ll bring to us in our waning years, and think of the pleasure you’ll get from knowing you gave us the chance to live them out in a comfortable and loving home (and we have Vet Care Support for Life, of course, so no need to worry about that). I’ve heard something about “a star in your crown” for people like you, so why not claim yours!

Arrived 7-20-21