Animal League News

Hi… my name is Radda,

Adopted 7-2-17

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 5-13-17

PS Available for adoption at 7 weeks old: 7-2-17

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Hi… my name is Chianti,

Adopted 7-6-17

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 5-13-17

Note: Available for adoption at 7 weeks old: July 2, 2017

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Hi… my name is Verona,

Adopted 7-5-17

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 5-13-17

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Hi… my name is Juliet,

Adopted 7-16-17

I was found wandering alone in a delicate condition—pregnant with four puppies! Thank goodness, a kind stranger rescued me and my babies were all delivered safely. The weeks have flown by and now they’re ready for adoption—and I am, too! When asked to describe me, my people friends almost always say the same two things first: She’s adorable, and she’s been a very good mother. People think being a good mom is a sign of good character; I say it’s just natural. I take care of my babies as long as they need me. And, given the chance, I’ll take care of my person with love, good doggie behavior, and all the affection they want. I’m a sweet 1-year-old female, small (still losing my mommy weight) and hoping you could love me forever.

Arrived 5-8-17


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Hi… my name is Sienna,

Adopted 6-25-17

I’m such a sweet, pretty, lovable dog, you might ask why anyone would give me up. Well, my former people can answer in one word: cats. They said I don’t like cats. Really I just don’t understand them, but it amounts to the same thing. The good news? I’m great with other dogs and people, including children. And there’s more! My people said I was housebroken, leash-trained, and an “awesome quick learner.” I already know some commands, and I’m always ready for fun. Still lively at 2-1/2 years old, I’m a gorgeous tan and white female, about 49 pounds, and if you look closely, you might notice an upside down heart on my neck. Can you see it? That’s my message about the love I have to give and I’m hoping it goes to you.

Arrived 6-14-17

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Hi… my name is Romeo,

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 5-8-17

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Hi… my name is Lacey,

Adopted 7-8-17

Before coming here, I was fed by a stranger. Even then, I kept my distance, but needed the nourishment because my 6 puppies were depending on me. That kind man found homes for my babies, but worried about me because he was leaving for many months. Who would feed me? How would I stay safe? TALGV was the answer. Food, security, comfort—such a comfy bed!—and patient people are here for me. They let me take my time getting used to a leash and going for walks; I found it easy to grow accustomed to their gentle affection. In my own way, I thank them, and they seem to know what I dream about most: A home of my own, where love and happiness abide, and wonderful people let me love them forever.

Arrived 4-13-17

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Hi… my name is Gary,

Adopted 6-21-17

I’m a happy, friendly dog who’s grateful to be here because not long ago, I was hurt. Back then, I suffered the trauma that threatens every stray dog: I was hit by a car. But I was also lucky. A Good Samaritan rescued me and immediately took me for medical care, and now we can celebrate my remarkable recovery! Plus, I even made new friends along the way—the animal hospital staff gave me high marks for “adoptability,” which I think means they liked me, and TALGV volunteers agree. They say I have the makings of a great companion—a smart and loyal Heeler mix male, 1-year-9-months old, about 62 pounds, with a tan and white coat, a handsome face, and a great big heart. If you’re looking for a friend, I’m right here!

Arrived 12-30-16

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Hi… my name is Amado,

Adopted 3-28-17

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 3-25-17

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Hi… my name is Darrell,

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 3-15-17

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Hi… my name is Thor (aka Sleet),

Adopted with Loki 6-10-17

My brother, Loki, and I were adopted as puppies into a family with small children, cats and dogs, and we got along with all of them! But now our family is expecting another baby and moving to a place with a smaller yard, so we’re each looking for a new home and people to love. I’m an 18-month-old male, light brown with a white chest, and an athletic build—somewhat slender but tall. My former family said I let the kids lay on me and even pull my tail; guess that says a lot about my gentle, generous nature. Sure, I can bark, but I’m basically a peaceful, welcoming guy; when the volunteers pet or brush me, I’m content. Could you and I make each other happy forever? I’m guessing the answer is yes!

Arrived 12-9-15; Adopted 12-13-15; Arrived 3-7-17

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Hi… my name is Loki (aka Blizzard),

Adopted with Thor 6-10-17

My brother, Thor, and I were adopted as puppies into a family with small children, cats and dogs, and we got along with all of them! But now our family is expecting another baby and moving to a place with a smaller yard, so we’re each looking for a new home and people to love. I’m an 18-month-old male, light brown and white, somewhat slender but tall. People also notice that my eyes are different colors—one blue, one brown. My former family said I loved to lie down on couch (who doesn’t?) and be petted. Sure, I know how to bark, but I’m basically a peaceful, welcoming guy; when the volunteers pet or brush me, I’m so content. Could you and I make each other happy forever? I’m guessing the answer is yes!

Arrived 12-9-15; Adopted 12-13-15; Arrived 3-7-17

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