
Approximate Age:
15 years, 9 months
62 pounds

Butchie (CGC)

Hi… my name is Butchie,

Adopted 7-4-20

Butchie comes with Vet Care Support for Life

My recent foster “moms” say I’m an excellent houseguest that loves to follow them around. I’m housetrained (when I want to go out, I sit by the door) and I’ve earned my AKC Canine Good Citizen certificate. Plus, I come with Vet Care Support for Life. Although I might prefer sleeping on your bed, I’m happy spending all night in my own bed or with my blanket on the couch. I enjoy sunbathing, lounging about, and a really good game of fetch. Instead of the desert, I prefer long walks around the neighborhood. I don’t pay much attention to other dogs, (despite my history of not getting along with them). If you’re moderately strong, want to share your time, love, couch, and an occasional carrot with an affectionate, well-rounded pal – I’m yours!

Arrived 8-5-10; Adopted 7-1-18; FOUND – Arrived 2-18-20