
Approximate Age:
8 years, 7 months
42 pounds


Hi… my name is Lilo,

Adopted 9-23-17

For someone who recently gave birth to 11 puppies—yes, 11 babies in one litter!—I’m now delightfully close to feeling carefree. My human family found homes for eight of my puppies, but they were moving and couldn’t keep the rest of us, so, thank goodness, there was room for us here. We arrived hungry and I was very thin, but we soon thrived on our “three squares.” At 42 pounds, I’m now svelte in a good way—a nice size for a 2-year-old female (whose “mama days” will soon be behind her). In the past, I played well with 14- and 15-year-old kids, and here at TALGV, I’m a sweet dog to my new friends, good on a leash, and eager to find someone to love forever. Will you please be my someone?

Arrived 9-11-17