
Approximate Age:
14 years, 0 months
38 pounds


Hi… my name is Rowdy,

Returned to previous owner 4-13-19

Back when I was a “too tiny puppy,” I was rescued from a puppy mill. My human mom and dad believed that’s why I’ve always been anxious and distrustful of people generally, but Mom and I developed a “deep and abiding love for each other,” (quoting her niece). For 8 years, I was happy as could be with Mom and Dad, and “they would never in a million years have given me up” if serious illness had not made it impossible for them to take care of me. As hard as it was to say goodbye, Mom said it gave her great peace of mind to know I’d be well cared for. And since she believed in me, I do too. Someone else will love lively, unique little me, and I’m hoping it’s you.

Arrived 3-10-19