
Approximate Age:
5 years, 8 months
62 pounds


Hi… my name is Seiko,

Adopted 1-2-23

When I first arrived at TALGV, I was an adorable puppy. Now I’m back and I’ve grown into a handsome young adult who’s crate trained, uses a doggie door and asks to go out. I know several commands such as “sit,” “come,” “down,” and “wait” etc., and while I respond to some, I need work on the others. I’m a friendly boy, but I could use help with my social skills (with people and other animals). I tend to play a little too rough when I get excited. I pay attention to my surroundings and take direction well (until I get distracted), and I need work focusing on my handler to improve my walking skills. I’m ready for a home with someone to love and guide me into maturity. Are you free for the future?

PS My baby photo is shown at the end of the gallery.

Arrived 8-20-19, Adopted 8-31-19, Arrived 3-7-22