Animal League News

Hi… my name is Nova.

Adopted December 7, 2014.

Our rescuer found my sister, Lucy, and I a few months ago, and although he thought we’d make a great addition to his home, his resident cats had VERY different ideas! So, well, you know the rule: last in/first out! Although both of us love to play and once you hold us, we purr up a storm, it’s evident that our formative weeks didn’t include a lot of love from humans, so we are a little shy when we first meet you. The solution to that of course, is to shower us with love and attention and prove to us how sweet and caring people really can be. I’m an interesting mix of Siamese and something else — the Siamese coming to the fore in my blue eyes — so you know that when I’m grown, I’m going to be a lover just like my forebears. I just know that’s what you want in a companion!


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Hi… my name is Ano.

I was adopted on August 23, 2014.

Ano has earned his Canine Good Citizen certificate.

Hey, everyone — take look at me! I’ve been at TALGV since 2010 and boy, have I mellowed and learned a lot! I was pretty rambunctious when I arrived, but over the years I’ve been going on “meet-and-greet outings” with a foster family, have become a model companion, and I’m especially proud to say I’ve earned my nationally-accredited Canine Good Citizen award! I love to give people hugs and kisses, get along with well-mannered kids, other dogs (especially “the ladies”!), simply adore romping in the yard with you (chasing lizards is fun, too!), and enjoy lounging in a doggie pool. I am a 65-pound Staffordshire terrier mix boy, and it would be paradise to have a family and big yard of my own, so why don’t you come “make my day?”





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