Animal League News

Hi… my name is Wiggles,

I’m so much happier now. I had recently lived outside in the heat and cold hiding from all kinds of predators. It was scary! I decided to deliver my kittens on a nice lady’s porch. She brought me and my family here where the volunteers have been taking excellent care of me. I haven’t spent a lot of time indoors so I’m still learning how to interact with people. I spend most of the day in a cat tree napping and observing. With care, I can be brushed and I love treats. Maybe you are the patient kind-hearted person who will give me a chance to become part of your life?

If you are considering adoption, stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Or you may  call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make an appointment. Kennel hours are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 4-25-23

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Hi… my name is Turvy,

Adopted with Topsy 6-3-23

Mama was a wild one, giving birth to me and my brother Topsy in a garage—then she disappeared.  Thankfully the garage owner brought us to The Animal League. Not being used to an indoor environment yet, I’m a little shy—but I want to adjust. I can be petted and will play. My coat is a pretty mixture of colors, which is set off by my big coppery eyes. I’m looking for a safe home (no more garages!) where I can let my true colors shine through. How about coming by to meet me?

Arrived 5-25-23

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Hi… my name is Ms. Gabby,

Rainbow Bridge 1-24-23

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me. Even better… if you are considering adoption, stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Or you may  call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make an appointment. Kennel hours are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 1-21-23

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Hi… my name is Expiala,

Adopted with Clever 1-28-23

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me. Even better… if you are considering adoption, stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Or you may  call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make an appointment. Kennel hours are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 1-13-23

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Hi… my name is Baby,

Adopted 8-29-20

Comes with Vet Care Support for Life.

I lost my first two moms to assisted living facilities, and happily a lovely lady adopted me a third time, but I was terrified of the big dog, so I need one more chance! My most recent mom said, “I need to rehome our sweetheart because she deserves a better life. She’s a good cat, well behaved (no clawing), not a big meower, has an easy purr, and isn’t fussy about her food. Anyone who loves cats will LOVE this one! Anyone who doesn’t love cats, well, they’d love this one, too! She has a piece of my heart.” AND I have vet care support for life, so let me steal a piece of yours!

Arrived 11-8-11; Adopted 12-17-16; Arrived 6-11-19; Adopted 9-22-19; Arrived 6-12-20

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Hi… my name is Charity,

Adopted 10-14-18

You know the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” has been around for a long time for a reason, and when some people move and abandon their pets, they’re really relying on that happening! Well, happily I know I’ll prove it true, ‘cause I’m just as sweet and loving as can be and will make some lucky person the companion of their dreams. I’m a shorthaired dilute calico girl, about 1 year old, and beautiful as all get-out to boot! Sometimes when pets have gone through “trauma,” they double down on niceness, so that’s what I’ve done. I’m here just waiting to show you what a joy it’ll be to have me around!

Arrived 9-19-18

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Hi… my name is Annie,

Adopted with Raven 10-31-18

Belly rubs! I live for belly rubs! That, and of course the attendant head and chin scratches that go along with them! My people (a senior couple) didn’t leave a whole lot of information about me when they relinquished me (they did say I lived with another cat but not how well we got on), but the volunteers are finding that although at the moment I’m quite “shy and retiring” as the saying goes, I really do love (and crave) “hands on” attention. I’m a charming 8-year-old dilute torti with a gentle soul who’ll no doubt appreciate a quiet new home where I can spend many long hours sharing life’s pleasures and napping in sunbeams.

Arrived 5-15-18

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Hi… my name is Brittany,

Adopted 4-15-18

After my dad died, his former wife very kindly took me in, but her cat and I just never hit it off, so now I’m a 3½-year-old dilute calico lady in search of chin scratches, the occasional belly rub, a comfy lap, and maybe a big window or two that I can check the world out from. Having lived a quiet life with just my dad, it may take me a while to settle into a new home, but I promise that once I’m in a place where I can relax and learn trust again, I’ll be the loving companion I’ve always been. Why not make your home the next frontier I’m destined to explore? Life’s full of wonderful surprises if you just let them happen!

Arrived 1-11-18

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Hi… my name is Sophia,

Adopted 12-1-17

The problem with living with a human who rescues strays is that sometimes there get to be just too many mouths to feed, and I guess that’s what happened with me and my friend, Thomas. On the plus side, you learn pretty quickly to get along with other critters (including dogs!), but on the down side, you don’t always get to stay forever. Well, mom did her best by hand raising me almost from birth, so I’m a very “handleable” gal as a result. I’m a lovely dilute calico, only 18 months old, so in addition to still being playful (mice and catnip balls are my faves), you’ll get “the whole package” with me. Come check me out – you won’t be disappointed!

Arrived 11-18-17

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Hi… my name is Patches,

Adopted 8-7-17

Yeah, I know, everyone loves cute little kids. Well meet the exception to that rule! I honestly tried, but they’re just too unpredictable and active for a fairly staid 8½-year-old lady like me. I did “tolerate” the dog and cat that I lived with, but at times I got a bit “snippy” with them too, so I guess I’m destined to be the sole companion of an older settled person who can appreciate me and my many charms “on my terms!” My mom lost her home and had to move in with her kids who have tons of toddlers, so my mission is to find a special someone who understands and loves the quirky ways of felines. I just know that’s you, so let’s have a friendly chat!

Arrived 7-21-17

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Hi… my name is Gretel.

Adopted June 6, 2015.

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived May 3, 2015 (age 4 weeks old)

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Hi… my name is Laila.

Adopted August 22, 2015

Backyard sheds provide more than storage for people’s things — they also provide shelter for lost cats! I spent two weeks hiding in one in a Sahuarita neighborhood, and was so glad to finally have been brought here as the weather was warming up fast and food and water was getting pretty sparse (those people won’t have any mice worries for a while though!). Having spent enough time outdoors, I’m now ready to move into a nice cool home where I don’t have to be looking over my shoulder for encroaching desert denizens. I’m a lovely muted tabby/tortoiseshell lady, and I’d love to have long chats with you about my peripatetic life while checking everything out from a nice big window!

Arrived April 25, 2015

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