Animal League News

Adopted 7-28-19

Jacques is an adorable 1 ½-year-old male, 22-pound Terrier mix that needs a new home. He is housebroken, obedient, and leash trained. He uses unlocked crate for his safe place. He gets along well with small dogs, other animals are unknown. Jacques is healthy, neutered and is up to date with shots. He is has some separation anxiety due to past abuse issues, but he is sweet cuddlebug that is easy to train since he responds to treats. There is no adoption fee for this special boy. If you will welcome Jacques into a patient loving home as part of your family, please call or text Suzy at 310-924-0363 between 8 AM and 8 PM or email

July 26, 2019

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Hi… my name is Dozer,

Adopted 8-1-19

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 7-23-19

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Hi… my name is Dusty,

Adopted 2-16-20

I’m an 8-year-old hound dog who’s got a cowboy name and a creampuff heart! See the pictures of me with my head resting on somebody’s arm or lap? I don’t deny my lovin’ ways! I’m not partial to small dogs, but I once lived with 6 dogs of all kinds. I’ve never been around kids, but I make friends with big people real easy, especially the dog-savvy ones. Pet me, and I melt like butter in a fry pan. Yep, I’m pretty laid back, except for two things that get me riled. I don’t take kindly to anybody or anything comin’ near my food. And if I have a pain somewhere, just don’t go touchin’ it. Truth is, I’d like to sit by your side, put my paws up, and feel grateful to be home.

FOUND – Arrived 7-20-19

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Hi… my name is Blitz,

Adopted 7-26-19

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

FOUND – Arrived 7-20-19

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Hi… my name is Corky,

Adopted 2-24-20

Comes with Vet Care Support for Life

I might be shy when we first meet, but don’t doubt my sweet and gentle personality. I had a rough beginning in life, but after I met my mom (who moved to an assisted living facility), she transformed me into a real “mama’s girl,” and all the love she showered on me made the bad memories disappear. At almost 11 years old (and with vet support for life), I’m “well aged” like fine wine, and looking forward to my golden years. I’m not fond of car rides, but I’m great on a leash, love long walks (they’ll help me shed a few pounds, too!), so won’t you be the second mom I fall in love with?

Arrived 5-21-14; Adopted 6-22-15; Arrived 7-19-19



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Hi… my name is Munchies,

Adopted 8-22-19

I am an interesting mix, which is probably the first thing that made you curious about me. I’m a Tug (Terrier/Pug mix). I really love people and used to enjoy playing with kids 5 and 11 years old; I am always gentle and tolerant with them. I did get along with another dog in my previous home and have played nicely with dogs of all sizes. My previous owner decided to bring me to TALGV since she didn’t have enough time for me. Occasionally, I did some exploring in my old neighborhood, so I need a fence high enough that my little legs cannot jump over it. I really enjoy car rides and seeing new things, so stop by and pick me up and take me on your adventures; I am more than ready to go!

Arrived 7-19-19

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Hi… my name is Meka,

Adopted 7-21-19

Comes with Vet Care Support for Life

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 7-15-19

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Hi… my name is Mikey,

Adopted 7-25-19

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 7-15-19

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Hi… my name is Messi,

Adopted with Mikey 7-25-19

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 7-15-19

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Hi… my name is Kota,

Adopted 7-27-19

Thanks for looking at my pictures. My biography is under construction. Please stop back again to read about me or… even better… stop in at TALGV to meet me soon. Kennels are open 10-2 every day.

Arrived 7-15-19

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Hi… my name is Smily,

Adopted 8-26-19

I am smiling brightly despite an unfortunate family change. In my former home, I got along with the cat as well as the dog. I used to play with young children up to 12 years old, but although play times were fun, my big baby personality was too rough for the kids. I have found many great volunteer friends here at The Animal League who don’t hesitate to train me at 3 1/2 years old, because I still enjoy learning new tricks. Not only do I love lap snuggling, but I always love car rides. Shining my bright smiley Staffordshire Terrier face to the world through that car window with you would be a dream come true.

Arrived 7-15-19

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Hi… my name is Helena.

Adopted 7-15-19

This little ewok is as smart as she is cute. Despite being the smallest of her litter, Helena always finds new ways to keep up with her sisters and brother. Whether it’s knocking over mama’s food dish to sneak a snack or sleeping under the water dish stand to avoid being woken up by her siblings, she is constantly coming up with adorable new ways to learn about the world around her.

Arrived 6-6-19

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