
Approximate Age:
10 years, 9 months
, , ,
9 1/2 pounds


Hi… my name is Sephora,

Adopted 9-18-18

Like the chain of stores selling beauty products, I’m selling my own brand of beauty, too! In my case, it’s an irresistible combination of Bengal (wait until you see my spots!) and tabby, and to complement the looks, there’s the awesome personality to go along with it! I lived happily with my family and a dog until the 2-year-old developed asthma, so I’m hopeful a new home is right around the corner for me ‘cause I love (and miss!) people. Mom said that I’m a “perfectly lovely” girl who likes toys, fetching crumpled paper, and am curious, friendly, and playful. I’m a 5-year-old gal who’d do anything to provide you with a daily dose of adorable!

Arrived 7-7-18;Adopted 7-28-18; Arrived 9-15-18