
Approximate Age:
4 years, 7 months
70 pounds



Hi… my name is Arty,

Adopted 1-6-24

I was a Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) pooch that had been repeatedly overlooked by potential adopters. Why? Oh, it’s not because I’m not special—I AM! It’s just that PACC had more than 400 other furry choices. Lucky for me, some astute Animal League volunteers saw my sparkling personality and they picked ME to come here where I could shine. And shine I do! My TALGV friends say I’m a “great dog” who knows how to “sit,” “stay,” “heel,” and “come.” I also know the “watch me” command and walk well on a leash. My hobbies include the outdoors—especially hiking—and I like playing with dog friends and people friends. ALL PEOPLE! And once I warm up to you, watch out, because this mellow fellow becomes a kissy-faced dreamboat. Can I be YOUR pick?

Arrived 3-8-23