
Approximate Age:
12 years, 0 months
49 pounds
Special Needs:
Available with companion Nutcracker


Hi… my name is Walnut,

Adopted with Nutcracker 9-3-21

I am a medium sized chow mix who arrived at TALGV with Nutcracker. They think I may be his dad, but I’m not telling! My son – oops, I mean: my friend! – is a lot gutsier than I am and I usually take my cues from him. I need a bit more time before I let people pet me and usually wait until Nutcracker has checked them out and found them to be okay. (Although, I must say, he is pretty easy to please!) I don’t like walking on a leash much, but I’m okay with it if we all walk together. If you are patient with me, I promise that I can learn to do better. I get along with other large dogs and I do like people once I know I can trust them.

If you are considering adoption, please call TALGV office (520-625-3170) and make a date to meet me soon. Kennel appointments are between 10 and 2 every day.

Arrived 2-7-21