
Approximate Age:
12 years, 10 months


Hi… my name is Wendy.

Adopted December 12, 2014.

Anyone who’s ever had cholla cactus spines stuck on their fingers knows how utterly awful that is! Well, just imagine having them stuck on your lips and sides! That’s the condition I was in when I was rescued from the Interstate ramp in November. It took quite a bit of doing by the volunteers to get me all “unstuck,” so I’ve been a little “gun shy” ever since, but they’re being extra nice now to make up for it, and say it won’t be long before I forget that ordeal and get on with being a typical, people-loving lady. I’m a Chihuahua girl who, like most of my breed, has just one goal in life: to spend all of my time with my person for many years to come.

Arrived November 19, 2014.