
Approximate Age:
11 years, 8 months
68 pounds


Hi… my name is Ali,

Adopted 8-31-19

You’ve probably already guessed it, but I’ll proudly say that since I’m a 6-year-old Boxer mix, I was named for that world-famous champion boxer, (Muhammad) Ali. He said he’d “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Well, I don’t have much of a sting, but I do like to entertain in my own way–which is perfectly understandable since I was found in the area of Desert Diamond Casino. I can entertain you if you give me the chance to demonstrate my strong and muscular body at our hopeful meet and greet. Even though I may show off, once in a while I do love to reveal my nice and gentle side. I don’t believe being here at TALGV is a bad thing. I just “don’t count the days… make the days count.” Let’s meet!

Arrived 6-3-19