
Approximate Age:
8 years, 5 months
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Hi… my name is Bella,

Adopted 3-8-20

High Five! A nice lady found me and brought me to TALGV. I stayed with her and her two dogs for a couple of weeks, but we found I did not like sharing with her other girl dog. I did get along fine with my finder’s male dog, though. The first thing you notice are my big radar ears, then my pretty brown and white pinto coat. I am housebroken, know all the common commands, and play fetch. I have impeccable leash manners, so just say the word and I’ll jump in the car to go for a hike with you. I have a bit of an alpha personality, so I’m picky about my dog friends and probably prefer to be an only dog, or perhaps share with a submissive male dog. But I do so love playing with people. I’m pretty laid back, even here in this strange environment. Come on down and say Hi, so we can work out a deal and shake on it.

Arrived 3-4-20