
Approximate Age:
11 years, 11 months
23 pounds


Hi… my name is Mido,

Adopted 9-4-17

There’s no denying it, the first thing you’ll notice about me is that I’m, ahem, “rather large.” Okay, BIG! Twenty-three pounds to exact, so you can say with complete assurance that I’m not a picky eater (I’ve been on a diet recently and that’s helped a lot)! My dad took my housemate, Raggio, and me from my first family when they were transferred and only had us three weeks before bringing us to TALGV. To be fair, he did try (and said that I had a “good temperament”), but that just isn’t enough time for most cats to adjust to new circumstances, so I’m hoping another family will be more patient and let me prove that I really can be a companion extraordinaire!

Arrived 5-23-17