
Approximate Age:
6 years, 6 months
51 pounds


Hi… my name is Phishy,

Adopted 10-18-20

My adopter returned me after only a month because, even though I’m leash trained and good on walks, he wanted a dog that would enjoy LONG walks with him. The problem was that dog wasn’t me, since I’m not what you could consider a “marathon” walker. But that’s okay, because other than that, he had nothing but good things to say about me! He said I’m housetrained and ask to go out (I can also use the doggie door), and I know how to sit and stay. He did mention that I’m a lover, a good sleeper, and an all- around good boy. If you’re in the market for a great companion, one that’s happy to go on average walks, please call TALGV and find out if we’re that perfect fit.

Arrived 8-10-20